Construction workers face danger on nearly every shift. From those handling power tools to those operating heavy machinery, it is important to take whatever steps are necessary to stay safe. From the use of personal protective gear to receiving the proper education about the risks associated with a specific task, construction workers must take steps to reduce their exposure to serious accidents.
The use of scaffolds is integral to the construction industry. When constructed correctly and used properly, a scaffold structure can save time and money. Unfortunately, there are four major hazards associated with scaffold injuries:
- Falls: Working safely on a scaffold includes the use of properly installed guardrails, properly installed platforms and the use of safety harnesses.
- Scaffold collapse: Proper scaffold erection depends on numerous factors such as the weight the scaffold will hold and the number of workers it will service. Use of the proper materials is crucial as well as ensuring the scaffold structure is built upon a solid foundation. If a scaffold collapses due to poor construction, it endangers not only the workers on the structure, but those on the ground below.
- Struck by falling materials: Even if they are not working on the scaffold, workers on the levels below can be at risk. Tools or materials that are not secured properly can fall from the scaffold platform and strike the workers below.
- Electrocution: Unfortunately, without proper planning, scaffolds can be installed too close to live power cables or other energy sources.
Depending on the factors involved, construction injuries can be severe. These types of injuries often require surgery, numerous treatments and lengthy physical therapy. Fortunately, workers’ compensation benefits exist to protect your financial security while you return to a pre-accident level of health. If you were injured on a construction site or you have lost a loved one in a worksite accident, it is important to work with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney who can provide the guidance and representation you need.