Helping You Understand The Minnesota Workers’ Comp Claims Process
Your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance covers many expenses related to injuries you may suffer on the job. Whether you have a cut that needs a few stitches or a catastrophic injury that results in long-term disability, you will want to be sure you obtain the compensation you deserve.
If you are injured at work, following the below five main steps is crucial to making sure you get the benefits you need today and in the years to come.
1. Seeking Medical Attention Is Your First Concern
If you are injured on the job, your quick action in obtaining medical help will play an important role in your recovery as well as your claim for benefits. If your injury is not serious enough to warrant a call to 911 or a trip from work to the emergency room, keep in mind you have a limited amount of time to seek medical attention before you become ineligible for benefits.
2. Informing Your Employer
Your employer will need specific details about the accident, and you may have many documents to complete. As soon as you file your report, your employer can begin the workers’ compensation claims process.
3. Obtaining Guidance From A Workers’ Compensation Lawyer
After you file your report with your employer, reach out to an experienced workers’ comp attorney for further guidance on what to do next.
Individuals who fail to get an attorney often mistakenly jeopardize their claim, particularly if an insurance adjuster gets involved, asks difficult questions and records statements. Getting an experienced lawyer involved as soon as possible will know what to do and help minimize problems that could damage your claim.
Remember — your attorney only gets paid if you win.
4. Obtaining Your Benefits
Once you hire an attorney, he or she will work with the workers’ comp insurance adjuster assigned to your case to commence maximum benefits. If successful, you will receive payment for medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation and other costs related to your injury.
5. Continued Monitoring
One you receive initial benefits, it’s important to continue to monitor your condition. A qualified attorney will keep on top of your case to make sure you are continuing to receive the benefits you need and are not missing out on any other benefit that your situation could warrant.
If you return to work, your lawyer will still be available if your claim needs to be reopened or revisited because your original injury or symptoms have returned.
What If Your Claim Is Not Successful?
If the insurer denies your claim or approves you for much less than you need to fully recover, you may be able to appeal the decision by providing additional documentation. Again, seeking the help of an experienced attorney is recommended.
Reaching Out To Us For Help
At Rosengren Law Office, LLC, in North Mankato, we can help you through the process of filing for the workers’ compensation benefits you need.
Attorney Christopher P. Rosengren is proud of his nearly 20 years of workers’ compensation experience. He has a thorough knowledge of complex bureaucracies, including his years working as a linguist for U.S. Army intelligence agencies and as a former insurance defense attorney for Walmart for eight years.
Let him use his knowledge to work for you.
Take The First Step. Call Us Today. Se Habla Español.
Call us at 507-387-7000 or contact us online to obtain personalized guidance from a knowledgeable lawyer regarding your Minnesota workers’ comp claim.
We do not recover ANYTHING unless your case is successful. In fact, if you win, the insurance company pays us directly.